Pet Anxiety

Does your pet suffers anxiety during the lockdown?

friends, cat and dog, cats and dogs

Looking at your pet you are probably thinking, if this new reality of having their humans around more is in any way having an impact on their behaviour or even make them feel more stressful ?

For animals, and dogs especially, having their humans work from home is actually what they’ve always wanted !

It is rather the aftermath of the COVID-19 confinement that might cause issues in pets. It might also make them uneasy about being left alone again. Overnight, pets will go back to not having anyone at home, and having to cope with being alone while their humans are away working.
We share few tips on how to help our pets to ease the  anxiety.

cat, work, technology

Teach them to be independent

While you are still working from home placing your dog or cat in a quiet room away from you and your workspace for an hour twice a day will help make the transition to your sudden absence much easier on them. You should leave them alone in the house on occasion, particularly if they have not struggled with separation anxiety in the past. You can use a security camera or webcam to observe your pet’s behaviour to give you a good sense of how they might be feeling. If you want to reduce their anxiety level when you are not around  you can get a webcam with voice call or even snack machine option!

Safe zone

Make sure they have a cosy bed away from the main thoroughfare of the house and distracting activities. Try not to disturb them whenever they are in their bed. You could leave a jumper or t-shirt with your smell to comfort them when you are not there.

Positive association

Pets love food and mental stimulation!
Begin by making an effort to associate some positives with you leaving. Stock up on your pet’s favourite snack and some new toys, especially puzzle toys. you can stuff those treats in a puzzle toy for them every time you leave the house. Not only is this a distraction, but it develops an association between you leaving the house and them having a delicious treat.


Your aim here is to reduce their energy levels. If you are dog owner try taking your woofer on a long walk in the morning. Exercise releases endorphins and allows them to have fun but it also wears them out. If they are tired, they may be more content when they come inside.

Remember, your pet, similar to you, need to have a little bit of an adjustment period. Take baby steps, be positive, and be patient!

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